A lip or Troy, MI, dentist can perform tongue tie laser surgery, also known as a .
is a condition where movement is limited due to the soft connecting tissue (frenulum) located either at the base of the tongue or above the front teeth. Some children are born with tissue that is too short or tight which impedes their ability to breastfeed, talk, or touch their tongue to the roof of their mouth. To help, ourHere’s what you need to know about frenectomies and when they’re needed.
Background on Tongue Ties
The traditional surgery to release frenulum/frenums can be quite traumatic, painful, and can also take a long time to heal. Oftentimes, general anesthesia and care at a hospital are involved. With our advanced tongue tie surgery inside our Troy, MI, dental office, you can avoid the hospital.
Read More → Laser Tongue Tie Surgery vs. Traditional Surgery
Many babies and newborns find it difficult to latch if they have a tongue tie and/or lip tie. It's a condition often seen by mothers, midwives, lactation specialists and doctors.
Generally, the laser procedure to release frenums involves:
- Removal of the tissue precisely and painlessly, making it more comfortable
- Little to no bleeding afterward
- No stitches
- No GA (General Anaesthesia)
- Encouragement of immediate breast feeding following the procedure
Signs & Symptoms of a Tongue/Lip Tie
In general, frenectomies are better performed early on in a child’s life. When they are young, they are able to heal quicker than an adult and can avoid any long-term consequences of a tongue or lip tie.
This type of condition is not a serious medical problem alone but is important to recognize if you notice your child struggling with regards to oral function. A frenectomy could help alleviate speaking or eating troubles for your child.
Some signs or symptoms of tongue and lip ties in young children are:
- Impaired speech.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Decreased mobility of tongue (can’t move side to side or toward roof of mouth).
- Trouble licking certain foods i.e. ice cream or lollipops.
- Inability to stick tongue out.
- Breastfeeding or latching issues.
- Problems making certain sounds.
You know your child best so if they are exhibiting any of the signs listed above, don’t hesitate to bring them into our office. We can take a more in-depth look at your child’s mouth, perform a teeth cleaning if also needed, and answer any questions you may have.
Make an Appointment For Your Child
To learn more about tongue tie/lip tie issues, our dentist in Troy, MI, would love to help! Please call Mosaic Dental today at (248) 528-2270 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.